Friday, February 24, 2012

Thank you,

Our question this week: Hi ... I really need help and advice for my cat Patches. She was diagnosed with subcutaneous emphysema. The veterinarian said it with tears in her trachea. Patches rozpuh completely from neck to back. The veterinarian said that will take time to go down. From several days to 2 weeks. This is not life threatening or not? It is so uncomfortable. Can you tell me anything else I should know? Please. I really appreciate it! Thank you,

Alice Tsobelya Answer Hi BЂ "thank you for your letter. Subcutaneous emphysema is the term used to describe a condition in which air that leaked under the skin (subcutaneous area). This often tears of a trachea. This can occur with endotracheal tube lasix drug side effects used to deliver anesthesia or trauma. The skin swells and sometimes harshly, when you touch a cat you can feel in the air and even crack as you squish the air between the skin and tissue under the skin. This can be very painful for some cats. Treatment depends on severity. In many cases, subcutaneous emphysema will improve with time. Sometimes the air should be withdrawn from under the skin, keep cats comfortable. Serious problems may need surgery to fix the tear. Good luck! Dr.people with emphysema John

read the latest issue click to see full list of Ask Dr. Jon Questions and Answers! .

For example, diets high in protein and /

(Osteoporosis) may be substantially dependent on a number of preventive measures. Most of these measures is in the hands of man and should be started already in life as possible. Those AT peak bone mass is usually under the age of 30 years. Number of bone tissue obtained in a single, peak blood pressure and how preserved after this depends on several factors, including:

Genetics and osteoporosis is important for people to know their genetic predisposition to osteoporosis. Genetics plays an important role, Äîit estimated that about 75% of those AT peak bone mass depends on genetics. There are genes that encode receptors for vitamin D and estrogen receptor, that substantially affect peak bone mass. If genetically predisposed to osteoporosis, the exercise, diet and regular check bone mass even more important lasix. Exercise and osteoporosis (which refers to activities that a person does while on his feet that works bones and muscles against gravity) and muscle contraction in combination have been shown to effectively increase bone density in the spine . It is recommended that one takes from 20 to 30 minutes of aerobic exercise 3 to 4 times a week to increase bone mass. In a study conducted in 1988 Dalskyy, jogging, walking or stair climbing to 70-90% maximum effort, three times a week, along with 1500 mg of calcium per day, increasing bone density of the lumbar (lower) spine for 5 % for 9 months. Exercises in the pool was shown to increase bone density. Warning: for people with osteoporosis or low bone mass should be careful in the performance especially in terms of body position and mechanics. Activities that require twisting of the spine or bending forward from the waist (such as regular squats or leg touch) can be dangerous. Those already diagnosed with osteopenia or osteoporosis should discuss their exercise with their physician to avoid fractures. Diet and osteoporosis adequate calcium intake is critical to support the bones strong, and it is estimated that about 70% of people regularly do not ingest enough calcium and vitamin D. Vitamin D is also important because it helps ensure that the absorption and retention of calcium in the bones. The recommended amount for premenopausal and 25-50 years in postmenopausal women on estrogen replacement therapy, 1000 mg of calcium per day from 400 I. and. Vitamin D. 1500 mg of calcium per day is recommended for pregnant and lactating women. For postmenopausal women, less than 65 years, and not on estrogen replacement therapy, 1500 mg of calcium per day is recommended, along with 400-800 m and. vitamin D. For men aged 25-65, 1000 mg of calcium per day is recommended. For all people (men and women) over 65 years, 1500 mg of calcium per day. Calcium can be found in many everyday foods. Examples of foods that contain calcium include: dairy products (like milk, yogurt, cheese), dark green vegetables (like spinach), grains, beans and some fish. In addition, there are a number of calcium drugs that are available. Calcium supplements of various amounts of calcium, so it's important to talk to the pharmacist before taking calcium to make sure that the amounts used. Vitamin D comes from sunlight, oily fish, liver and fortified foods like milk, orange juice and cereals. Vitamin D supplements are also available. In addition, adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D, showed that overall balanced and healthy diet plays an important role in preventing osteoporosis. For example, diets high in protein and / or sodium increase calcium loss through urine and contribute to decreased availability of calcium. Importantly, compared with 2000 mg of calcium per day can be harmful to the kidneys and cause kidney stones. However, if calcium is taken in recommended doses, no increase in kidney stone formation. People with existing kidney disease should consult their doctor. Bone density testing and medications to slow bone loss bone mineral density (BMD) test measures the individual AO bone density and compares it with the density of other people. It not only tests show whether someone is a normal, low level or osteoporosis bone density, it also indicates if someone in the group at risk of fracture support. Some doctors recommend regular bone density testing (every 1-2 years) for all women over 65 and postmenopausal women, less than 65 years with multiple risk factors for osteoporosis. Depending on the bone density test and other examinations / diagnostic tests, individual, SC doctor may prescribe

to slow bone loss and prevent osteoporosis and fractures. See

to discuss the approved drug osteoporosis. .

Dehydroepiandrosterone (dhea) is a hormone

Healthy your bones? Dr. Susan Brown, Ph.D.

One of the basic principles would ® is that all >> << osteoporosis is excessive bone loss, or all real increased risk of low trauma fracture

a cause. There are a number of medical problems that may cause or

contribute to bone loss. To better understand any undetected, it is important to get medical work >> << to BЂ ", that further testing

, who can help find the causes of osteoporosis. Easy work for osteoporosis is

tests for the most common conditions that cause bone loss can be ordered by your doctor

. The Center Better Bones, in addition to the standard DEXA bone density test

, we would like to see these tests are included in the work of osteoporosis. We believe that our clients discuss these tests with your doctor to see which of us

suitable for them and look at our article on >> << for more information. This test determines your blood levels. Results >> << test helps to know the amount of vitamin D, necessary to achieve

therapeutic levels of blood vitamin D, which is important for adequate calcium absorption and

major support bones. This is a simple blood test to measure the level of free calcium BЂ ", ie, metabolically active part

calcium is not related to blood proteins. This test is not designed to assess feasibility

calcium intake as much as it is meant >> << indirect check functioning parathyroid glands (see below). It can also speak indirectly

us some things about the status of vitamin D. High level of hormone parathyroid glands associated with excessive bone loss, and of overactive parathyroid glands >> << draws calcium from bones. Medical causes hyperactivity

to decide to stop excessive bone loss. In addition, normal parathyroid

read in vitamin D deficiency may indicate a magnesium deficiency, and >> << I tell one of my online blog on the topic. This test looks much calcium is being excreted in the urine. For this test

You collect all your urine for 24 hours in a large container for laboratory analysis

, to measure the amount of calcium in the total volume of urine. Excessive urinary excretion of calcium

is a common cause of bone loss and osteoporosis. TSH testing is an indicator of thyroid function, which can screen for under-or overactive

thyroid conditions. Thyroid hormone levels that are too high or too low can contribute to osteoporosis

, as well as treatment of thyroid dose that is too high. Resorption (or breakdown) tests measure the amount of one specific protein bone >> << in the urine or blood. As the bone loses this fragment of bone protein appears in the

urine and blood in high quantities. At the Center for Better Bone, we usually use

N-telopeptidy stitching (NTx) in urine Osteomark, but there

some other reliable urine and blood are now available. One commonly used test

is urine DPD test (test deoxypyridinium stitching). There is also NTx serum

. trial and test, CTX serum, which is often used in research these days

As there can be many day to day changes in urinary markers of bone breakdown,

, we have developed at the Center Better Bones >> << for more accuracy. These instructions may

be used for NTx urine test or DPD. For more information on bone resorption testing

see my article on. Just as a bone density test is another test for X-ray bone. This test, however,

images of each vertebra of the spine and the body looks, whether deformation

or fractures. Deformation of the vertebral assessment can be done on a new bone density machine

testing with special software that takes BЂњlateralBЂ "view of the spine. This new spine x-ray may be done and interpreted by radiologists know

by other X-ray technology. Cortisol is a corticosteroid hormone produced by the adrenal cortex, which is part

adrenal glands. This is usually called BЂњstress hormoneBЂ "as

involved in response to anxiety and stress.problems with immune system Abnormally high levels of cortisol

damage to bone and as such is a major risk factor for lasix 20 mg osteoporosis and low trauma

fractures. Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands and as

ovaries. DHEA helps neutralize the effects of cortisol. DHEA helps to protect the

and increase bone density. Stress reducing activities like yoga and meditation >> << help keep youth level DHEA, as we age. Low DHEA is a risk factor

osteoporosis. C-reactive protein plasma protein that is considered a marker of general >> << inflammation in the body. It is a known risk factor for cardiovascular disease, because heart disease

largely inflammatory process. Osteoporosis is a temper

and this test can help detect unwanted inflammation that can contribute

bone health problems. Homocysteine ​​is not a dietary amino acid, a product of metabolism of dietary >> << amino acid, methionine. In the absence of adequate B vitamins, homocysteine ​​may

accumulate in the body. High levels of this substance collagen loss and represent

powerful risk factors for cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis fractures. Full-scale celiac disease, or even just a sensitivity to gluten, can cause inflammation

intestines. This inflammation is associated with a complex inflammatory cascade

can increase bone loss. In addition, those with celiac disease suffer from poor digestion and absorption

many nutrients, including vitamins A, C and D. These shortcomings

in turn damage the bone. If you have any suggestions gluten sensitivity or celiac disease

, appropriate testing should be considered. For a more detailed update gluten

sensitivity as one of the causes of bone loss, see

body Approach to Osteoporosis R. Keith McCormick, New Harbinger Publications, 2008. In the period after menopause women: progesterone, estrogen

Female sex hormones naturally decline during menopause among all women, so that we at the Center >> << to improve bones usually do not offer testing of these hormones. Applicants >> << to this type of hormone testing, or those who take hormone replacement drugs,

to be checked for hormone levels to their physician. In menopausal women (hormone testing in reproductive age): progesterone, estrogen

For women from teens to menopause, the proper level of sex hormones is

important bone health. Low levels of both estrogen and progesterone may limit

development of optimal peak bone mass. Irregular or often missed periods

should be understood knows a doctor. According to noted researcher >> << progesterone, endocrinologist Dr. Jerilynn Prior, about 25% of young women in the U.S. and Canada

, unable to develop optimal peak bone mass due to ovulatory disorders undetected by

which low levels of progesterone. Testing of estrogen and progesterone might be

useful in premenopausal with bone health. Sex hormone testing in men: Testosterone and sometimes estrogen

common cause of osteoporosis in men is low testosterone levels, thus, clinical work, to

osteoporosis in men is almost always includes a test for testosterone. Interestingly

enough estrogen plays a role in male bone health and sometimes >> << doctors examine estrogen in men with osteoporosis. It seems that health care was the reaction BЂњsee knee symptoms, take

pills BЂ "but we believe that everyone deserves better than that. Your loss of bone mass

is a symptom of something thatBЂ ™ simply wrong in your body BЂ "and instead treat

symptoms with medication (and live with the side effects involved, some with

are just terrible !), we encourage deeper and find

source of the problem. At the Center for Better Bones we support all natural approach to bone regeneration and repair

, which includes nutrition, diet, exercise and lifestyle management. Our

My program is a convenient, at-home version of this approach. To learn more about home version of our natural >> << approach to bone health. Take our free, online

assess the risk of fractures and learn

on the health of your bones. Learn how to create the Center for Better Bones

in East Syracuse, New York, or by phone. Questions about personal program better bones? Call toll free at 1-877-200-1269

. Original Publication Date: Last change: Main Author: Dr. Susan Brown, Ph.D. << >>

Pge 2


immune system as a whole is protective as well

immunological mechanisms that protect the host from time to time

lead to serious damage of tissues and, sometimes, may

lead to death. Cellular and Coombs classified these

destructive reactions, immunological (also called

hypersensitivity reactions) into four basic types:

immediate hypersensitivity type (type I) reactions cytotoxic

(type II) reactions , mediated by immune complexes (type III)

response and delayed-type hypersensitivity (cellular,

type IV) reactions. A. Type I:

anaphylaxis or immediate hypersensitivity reactions of immediate hypersensitivity reactions

associated with the release of

pharmacologically active substances or mediators from mast cells

and basophils, a mechanism that works

antigens react with pre-, cell associated IgE

molecules. Allergens are antigens

that cause production of specific IgE antibodies in people

. IgE antibodies (reahynov). IgE production under the strict control of specific IgE

T cells that can do both IgE-potentiating and IgE-suppressing factors. Mediators

1. Histamine. This results in smooth muscle >> << and increased permeability of capillaries

2. Slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis

(MRS-A) contracts smooth muscles and increases capillary permeability

in a long-term basis. 3. Bradykinin. This leads to

smooth muscle in a slow, long way

increases vascular permeability and increased mucus secretion

mucous glands. 4. Serotonin (5-hydroxy)

important mediator in anaphylaxis and other animals >> << than men. 5. Eosinophil chemotaxis

factor of anaphylaxis (ECF-A). It attracts eosinophils to areas

allergic inflammation. 6. Platelet activating factor

(PAF). This leads to platelet aggregation and release of vasoactive amines

, which leads to increased vascular permeability

. , smooth muscle and bronchial

7. Prostaglandins are products

cyclooxygenase metabolism of arachidonic acid. Prostaglandin E

1 (PGE 1) and


powerful bronchodilators and vasodilators. PGI

, 2 (also called prostacyclin) disaggregates platelets. Genetic factors: Hay fever, asthma, food allergy

show the family trend. Clinical signs: 1. Anaphylaxis refers to a >> << immediate hypersensitivity reactions that are induced in normal

owner of a species to the appropriate >> << antigenic effect (called sensitization). A >> << can be either systemic (anaphylactic shock) and local, but

in all, above all, characterized by smooth reduction >> << muscles and increase permeability capillaries. 2. Atopy refers to >> << immediate hypersensitivity reaction that occurs only >> << genetically susceptible host sensitivity to specific allergens

. This condition differs from

anaphylaxis is that it can not be induced in normal hosts. Treatment: 1. Avoiding 2. Hiposensybilizatsiyi 3. Administration changes

allergens or allerhoidy. 4. Drug treatment. Diphenhydramine b. Corticosteroids in. Adrenaline, the sodium kromolin E. Theophylline B. Type II: Cytotoxic antibody cytolytic >> << reactions associated primarily as a combination of IgG

or IgM antibodies to epitopes on the cell surface or fabric> > << or adsorption of antigens or haptenov on fabric or

cell membrane, with subsequent attachment of antibodies >> << to adsorbed antigens. Any mechanism can lead to

one of these destructive processes. Activation of complement >> <<, followed by lysis or inactivation of cells

goal. Phagocytosis

target cells, with or without activation of complement. Lysis or inactivation

target cells by effector lymphoid cells

(eg, ADCC)

Type II

hypersensitivity reactions: 1. Transfusion reactions:

intravascular hemolysis of red blood cells usually

associated with ABO incompatibility system. 2. Extra vascular hemolysis cells

red blood almost always associated with Rh incompatibility.

3. Hemolytic disease of newborn

: erythroblastosis fetalis occurs when Rh-negative mother gives birth >> << Rh-positive child, >> << Rh antigen that were purchased from Rh-positive father. Sensitization can occur during pregnancy, when fetal blood

leak in the maternal circulation. After sensitization

IgG antibodies to Rh

0 (D) antigen is carried out, which can penetrate the placenta

and destroy the cells of the fetus. The first child is usually not affected by

, but the possibility of sensitization increases with subsequent pregnancies

. 4. Autoimmune hemolytic disease >>. << Warm antibody hemolytic anemia, cold antibody hemolytic anemia

, paroxysmal hemoglobinuria cold. 5. White blood cell lysis. System Red

erythematosus (SLE) b. Granulocytopenia with. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura

(ITP) 6. Nephrotoxic nephritis. Goodpasture's Syndrome

7. Bullous diseases. Characterized antibodies and complement deposition in

squamous intercellular spaces and along foundation >> << membranes of the skin. Therapy for

cytotoxic reactions: 1. The suppression of the immune response >>. << 2. Removal of antibodies offenses.

3. Removing offenses antibodies.

4. Nephrectomy. C. Type III: immune complex mediated reactions

pathogenesis of lasix 40 mg ivp immune disorders include complex interactions >> << antigens, antibodies, complement and neutrophils. Soluble immune complexes

: usually occurs in the region of excess antigen >>. << Virtually any antigen that induces antibodies to detect >> << will serve. Antibodies involved mainly

deposition of IgG and IgM can fix complement

. Immune adherence:

Being soluble, immune complexes escape phagocytosis,

penetrate the endothelium of blood vessel walls (perhaps

using vasoactive amines released from platelets and basophils

), and deposited on the vascular shell >> basement. Appendix

<< Activation: When the formation of immune complexes

application is activated with the release of factors that are

chemotaxis for neutrophils (ie S5a and C5b67);

neutrophils, we get in area and production

lysosomal enzymes that destroy the basement membrane

courts. A. Arthus reaction 2. Serum sickness 3. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis

4. Poststreptokokovyy glomerulonephritis

5. Autoimmune disease. Rheumatoid arthritis and SLE. D. Type IV: delayed reaction cell

hypersensitivity (cell), tissue damage results

interaction of sensitized T cells and

specific antigen, which leads to release of solvent

effector substances called lymphokines , direct

cytotoxicity, or both. This reaction does not depend on

antibodies and complement, but it depends on two types

functioning T-cells: T4 + cells. Cages for delayed hypersensitivity and

cells that can produce cytotoxic / suppressor >> << and T8 + cells. Mediators

delayed-type hypersensitivity: is known as

biochemically different lymphokines exists, however, >> << next among those functionally recognized:

1. Migration inhibition factor

(MIF) inhibits macrophage migration. 2. Activation of macrophages

factor (IRF) enhances bactericidal and cytolytic activity of macrophages

(IFN g). 3. Macrophage chemotaxis

factor stimulates the infiltration of macrophages. 4. Transfer factor of 5. Leukocyte inhibition factor

(LIF) inhibits random migration of neutrophils. 6. Interleukin-2 stimulates growth

activated T cells, a mitogenic factor. 7. Limfotoksyn can

lyzyrovat certain tumor cells. 8. Gamma interferon functions

same MAF. . Refusal of vaccination

tissues and organs. would. Contact dermatitis with. Autoimmune disease modulation

delayed-type hypersensitivity. A. Suppressant agents. Corticosteroids have. Antilymphocyte or

antytymotsytarnyy, serum

p. Cytotoxic immunosuppressive drugs

2. Raising


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If you simply click on one hand to another

Exercises for the treatment of osteoporosis should include stress in bone, which will - as the muscles, which said - react more strongly. Osteoporosis is the medical term used to describe holy bones. Osteo = bone = osteoporosis contains pores. All human bones contain holes so that osteoporosis is a relative term usually means more and more holes or pores than desirable. In fact, osteoporosis decalcification of the bones until they become weaker and break easily. The condition is most often in senior citizens, those who are bedridden, those with small growth and, most interesting, in

astronauts who spend a longer time in zero gravity. Exercises for prevention of osteoporosis bones, as is the ability to become stronger under stress. Gravity is a natural opposition (good type of stress), which makes living things strong. When astronauts in zero gravity, there is no weight to emphasize the bone. All exercises include the principle of using force against gravity, in one form or another. Even the pool is doing so as gravity pulls down on the water, making it pretty dense to provide resistance to movement. If you simply click on one hand to another, you can effectively use one group of muscles to simulate gravity and provides stability to another. Exercises for osteoporosis treatment when it is already present natural treatment for osteoporosis when it is developed to take into account the weakened condition of the bones. In normal circumstances, most forms of exercise will strengthen bones, but when osteoporosis has progressed, the best exercise without injury and the impact on the joints of weight bearing. "Exercise can be helpful to create and maintain strong bones exercise that makes you work against gravity -. The so-called weight bearing exercises such as walking or jogging (and restored) are useful ... If you are at risk for osteoporosis, your doctor will most likely include exercise as part of the overall treatment program. "

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"If you have osteoporosis, you may be wondering if you should use at all. answer for most people, yes. You should talk to your doctor or ask for a referral to a specialist in physical therapy to learn what type of exercises can be done safely, not only to preserve bone, but also strengthen your back and hips and maintain flexibility. Your doctor can help you develop an appropriate exercise regimen. Keep in mind that exercise alone can not prevent or treat osteoporosis. "

Exercises for the treatment of osteoporosis, as well as good food and medicines that are important for good control of lasix heart failure osteoporosis, but the exercise has value only if it is done regularly. Restored, you can do every day at any time. Rebound exercise are known: the strengthening of muscles, tendons and ligaments, bones

Help to become mineralized, dense and strong

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National Osteoporosis Foundation, 1150 17th Street, Suite 500, NW, Washington DC 20036

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Unfortunately, once lung tissue is lost, no regrowth occurs.

Emphysema is defined as "abnormal permanent enlargement of air spaces distal to terminal bronchioles accompanied by destruction of alveolar walls and without obvious fibrosis." Emphysema is a heterogeneous group of pathological processes of formation and of itself is a very indefinite term covers a number of individuals and morphological models, including:

(or this article concerns itself with the first three morphological subtypes, with special emphasis on tsentrodolevaya emphysema. 210 million people are affected worldwide, causing 3 million deaths per year. This disease mainly middle to end of life due to the cumulative effect of smoking and other risk factors of the environment. It is traditionally affected more men than women, but with the increase in smoking and environmental risk factors among women, the incidence being equal between the sexes.3 ad anabolic xtreme Patients with genetic risk factors, such as

can imagine earlier in phenotype. intravenous methylphenidate (clinical signs of emphysema should be distinguished from signs and symptoms. Patients with emphysema is hypocapnoeic and often referred to as "pink yhlobryuhy." This is comparable to hypercapnoea cyanosis and chronic bronchitis in patients known as "blue bloaters". In practice, the features of these two syndromes coexist well. Patients often report dyspnea without significant sputum. There are three morphological subtypes of emphysema, which are named according to their attitude to Centri-lobular emphysema is the most common type and affects the proximal respiratory bronchioles, particularly the upper zone. This is largely due to smoking in a dose-dependent manner. Rarely, severe emphysema tsentrodolevaya can be seen in patients with bases. pan-lobular emphysema, in contrast, affects the entire secondary pulmonary segments and more pronounced in the lower zones corresponding to areas of maximum blood flow. seen, in particular, intravenous injection of methylphenidate (or

. A pair of partitions, emphysema affects the peripheral parts, and are usually located near the pleural surface (including This is also related to smoking and may lead to the formation of bullae and subplevralno spontaneously. Except very later stages of disease bullosa education, radiography of the chest image is directly emphysema, and displays diagnostics in connection with the relevant functions

hyperinflation vascular changes lack of blood vessels, often distorted

CT is currently the method of choice for Detection of emphysema - KTVRZ particularly effective should be noted, however, that the relatively weak correlation between autopsy proven pulmonary emphysema, pulmonary function. test violations and CT in 20% of proven cases of pathology not visible on CT and in 40% of patients with abnormal CT normal pulmonary function . CT can distinguish tsentrodolevaya, panlobular and paraseptal emphysema. Centri-focal, of course, the most common type found, and is a frequent finding in asymptomatic elderly patients. It is mainly located in the upper zone of each lobe (ie, apical and posterior lasix 30 mg segments of upper lobes and great segment of the lower lobe), a spotty distribution. appears as focal lucencies (emphysematous spaces), which measure up to 1 cm in diameter, located in the center within, often with central or peripheral point represents the central bronchovascular bundles. pan-lobular emphysema mainly located in the lower fractions was uniform distribution of the parts that are uniformly decreased attenuation. Pair-wall emphysema is adjacent to the pleura and walls of peripheral distribution lines inside. affected segments almost always sub-pleural and demonstrate finely lucencies up to 10 mm in size . Any more than 10 mm, and they should be classified in. In all three subtypes, emphysematous space is limited to visible walls. MRI MRI as a method to study phase estimation lung parenchymal abnormalities .... as emhysema dynamic breathing MRI may play a role in the future in assessing emphysema Unfortunately once lung tissue is lost, no regrowth treatment is, therefore, support and aimed at preserving the remaining parenchyma light measures include:

In patients with severe bullosa changes followed by normal lung compression, light therapy can reduce the amount seen in some patients. forecast worse in patients who continue to smoke is alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency have low FEV

during diagnosis, or have other concomitant diseases (eg , heart failure, respiratory failure, often peaking).

Men need testosterone and estrogen as for bone health.

What causes osteoporosis? And why? Your bones are alive and growing - not static, as you see them drawn in the books. Bones are constantly changing throughout life, with some cells of bone dissolution and new bone cells grown in a process called reconstruction. This lifelong turnover of bone cells to replace most of the skeleton every 10 years. P

But for people with osteoporosis - bone thinning - osteoporosis outpacing the growth of new bone. The bones become porous, brittle and prone to fractures. Look for hip x-rays with normal bone density, and you will see a dense matrix of bone cells. But look at the hip with osteoporosis, and you will see mostly air cheap lasix. Bone matrix all but dissolved, and a few thin strands left. P As many as 10 million Americans suffer from osteoporosis and 34 million have low bone mass, called osteopenia, says the National Endowment for osteoporosis. Why bone loss so often? WebMD went to experts to find out. Causes of osteoporosis may surprise you. Bone density is greatest at the age of 20 years. But as you grow old, you can lose bone mass from many factors. Osteoporosis or osteopenia early sign warning indicates an imbalance in the process of reconstruction: P Too many broken bones, and too little new bone is built back. Fragile bones result, prone to fracture. You probably know that you need calcium to build strong bones, but a low calcium diet is not the only offender. There are lesser known causes of osteoporosis. Experts now believe that a combination of reasons, often to blame in the loss of bone mass. What are the most common cause of osteoporosis? "Overall, this lack of estrogen in women," says Paul Mystkowski, MD, endocrinologist Virginia Mason Medical Center in Seattle and clinical professor of the University of Washington in Seattle. Loss of bone mass faster after menopause, when older women have a more rapid drop in estrogen levels. Over time, the risk of osteoporosis and fractures increases older women lose more bone than replaced. Young women who stop menstruating - such as fine athletes and girls with anorexia - also compromised bone density, according to a recent report by U.S. Surgeon General, "Bone Health and Osteoporosis."

The presence of both ovaries removed by surgery called bilateral ovariectomy, may also lead to osteoporosis and low bone density. In one study, the operation led to a 54% increase in hip, spine and wrist in postmenopausal women.

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Men need testosterone and estrogen as for bone health. This is because men convert testosterone into estrogen bone preservation. "There's a clear consensus that if you evaluation of men with osteoporosis," says Mystkowski ", you will always appreciate the testosterone deficiency."

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