Friday, February 24, 2012

Unfortunately, once lung tissue is lost, no regrowth occurs.

Emphysema is defined as "abnormal permanent enlargement of air spaces distal to terminal bronchioles accompanied by destruction of alveolar walls and without obvious fibrosis." Emphysema is a heterogeneous group of pathological processes of formation and of itself is a very indefinite term covers a number of individuals and morphological models, including:

(or this article concerns itself with the first three morphological subtypes, with special emphasis on tsentrodolevaya emphysema. 210 million people are affected worldwide, causing 3 million deaths per year. This disease mainly middle to end of life due to the cumulative effect of smoking and other risk factors of the environment. It is traditionally affected more men than women, but with the increase in smoking and environmental risk factors among women, the incidence being equal between the sexes.3 ad anabolic xtreme Patients with genetic risk factors, such as

can imagine earlier in phenotype. intravenous methylphenidate (clinical signs of emphysema should be distinguished from signs and symptoms. Patients with emphysema is hypocapnoeic and often referred to as "pink yhlobryuhy." This is comparable to hypercapnoea cyanosis and chronic bronchitis in patients known as "blue bloaters". In practice, the features of these two syndromes coexist well. Patients often report dyspnea without significant sputum. There are three morphological subtypes of emphysema, which are named according to their attitude to Centri-lobular emphysema is the most common type and affects the proximal respiratory bronchioles, particularly the upper zone. This is largely due to smoking in a dose-dependent manner. Rarely, severe emphysema tsentrodolevaya can be seen in patients with bases. pan-lobular emphysema, in contrast, affects the entire secondary pulmonary segments and more pronounced in the lower zones corresponding to areas of maximum blood flow. seen, in particular, intravenous injection of methylphenidate (or

. A pair of partitions, emphysema affects the peripheral parts, and are usually located near the pleural surface (including This is also related to smoking and may lead to the formation of bullae and subplevralno spontaneously. Except very later stages of disease bullosa education, radiography of the chest image is directly emphysema, and displays diagnostics in connection with the relevant functions

hyperinflation vascular changes lack of blood vessels, often distorted

CT is currently the method of choice for Detection of emphysema - KTVRZ particularly effective should be noted, however, that the relatively weak correlation between autopsy proven pulmonary emphysema, pulmonary function. test violations and CT in 20% of proven cases of pathology not visible on CT and in 40% of patients with abnormal CT normal pulmonary function . CT can distinguish tsentrodolevaya, panlobular and paraseptal emphysema. Centri-focal, of course, the most common type found, and is a frequent finding in asymptomatic elderly patients. It is mainly located in the upper zone of each lobe (ie, apical and posterior lasix 30 mg segments of upper lobes and great segment of the lower lobe), a spotty distribution. appears as focal lucencies (emphysematous spaces), which measure up to 1 cm in diameter, located in the center within, often with central or peripheral point represents the central bronchovascular bundles. pan-lobular emphysema mainly located in the lower fractions was uniform distribution of the parts that are uniformly decreased attenuation. Pair-wall emphysema is adjacent to the pleura and walls of peripheral distribution lines inside. affected segments almost always sub-pleural and demonstrate finely lucencies up to 10 mm in size . Any more than 10 mm, and they should be classified in. In all three subtypes, emphysematous space is limited to visible walls. MRI MRI as a method to study phase estimation lung parenchymal abnormalities .... as emhysema dynamic breathing MRI may play a role in the future in assessing emphysema Unfortunately once lung tissue is lost, no regrowth treatment is, therefore, support and aimed at preserving the remaining parenchyma light measures include:

In patients with severe bullosa changes followed by normal lung compression, light therapy can reduce the amount seen in some patients. forecast worse in patients who continue to smoke is alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency have low FEV

during diagnosis, or have other concomitant diseases (eg , heart failure, respiratory failure, often peaking).

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